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Test: Federal Court Interpreter Certification Exam
Sight Translation – English to Spanish

The examination begings with the sight translations. The first section is from English to Spanish. You will be able to look at the text as you interpret, and you may make notes on the scratch paper provided is you wish.

You will have five minutes to both review and sight translate the entire page. You will need at least three minutes to interpret, so you should begin interpreting after reviewing for no more than two minutes. You will NOT receive a two-minute warning. Watch the timer at the top of the screen so that you can manage your time.

When you are ready, click the “Next” button begin the sight translation. The exam section will begin automatically when the timer for this intruction page expires. Once started, the section and audio capture timer will begin immediately. You will have until the section duration ends to record your response. Note that you only have one attempt to record your response. You may use the scratch paper provided to take notes as needed prior to interpreting. Once you are ready to begin recording your response, simply begin speaking.

Click the “Next” button to begin.

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